Kathmandu Girl
The title Kathmandu Girl is inspired by a namesake poem by Nasala Chitrakar, a young Nepali poet. Arriving at the conclusion of this intense yet fruitful residency I find that the images and experiences present in her words are interwoven into my own. The title evokes ideas and aspirations of raising a young generation of women who eagerly chase after the elusive dream of forging their own paths.
Brought up as digital natives, they intend to break out of their cultural limitations, a common theme in the global rebellion of the emerging generation. Fashion and clothes, more than voice, have been the tools for women to show their emotions, beauty, status, and even hopes. Stepping out from my comfort-zone, I have presented two vibrant microcosms of parallel worlds: bold spoken word poetry, and the shining, superficial world of fashion.
With Kathmandu Girl, these disciplines compliment and enrich one another, capturing divergent inspirations and synergies within a spectrum of inner and outer identity. Our times are afflicted by a flood of narcissism and by an obsessive cult of self-expression. The fashion industry has been a tireless machine perpetuating this ideal of beauty. This business has become exceedingly adaptive in order to survive. It has altered the way we regard youth and age, beauty and character, even femininity.
Through my personal interactions during the residency I have explored womanhood in it all its diversity. As our modern society moves freely and fast, our worlds and souls are trapped by false hopes of liberation.
But, the electrifying moment of triumph is near.